What exactly is it about Jerry O'Connell that makes him so lovable? You tell me. eMail your thoughts to me.
Mindy - mindalinn@aol.com
I love Jerry O'Connell because he's Jerry O'Connell. There's no one reason. He seems like one of the nicest guys ever and it's so sweet how he says that if he were a vegetable, he'd be corn-on-the-cob because he looks rough on the outside but he's sweet on the inside. How cute is that? Besides, he's so talented it's amazing!
Karen - s-c-r-e-a-m-e-r@worldnet.att.net
The reason I love Jerry O'Connell is because he's real. He tells you
what he thinks about anything, whether it is on national television, in
magazines, or even in the open. Also, he gives credit to his parents for
keeping him in school, and he has a college degree. How many stars can
say that?
Heather - YHJY95B@prodigy.com
Well, I suppose there are lots of reasons why I love Jerry. First of
all, he's incredibly talented. Second, he's adorable. Third, he's
hilarious. Fourth, I just do.
Who do I love Jerry? His AMAZING singing voice!!! :)
I love Jerry because he never curses in public. He has high family values. HE
amazed me with his blue eyes and black hair in Joe's Apartment. Thats when I
fell head-over-heels for him. It is the best thing that ever happened to me.
My mother even encourages me to idolize him (she really didn't have encourage
me to). I have started to get into the ARMES Drama program cause I want to be
in a film with him when I grow up. Hey anyone can dream. I dare to.
Jess - cowcooky@bellsouth.net
His secret eyes do SCREAM at me
He can sail along the BLUE RIVER
Or say so much without uttering a word.
He would always STAND BY ME
Through both thick and thin
At least it's not JOE'S APARTMENT
That were both stuck in.
While his SLIDERS steal my heart
He can do no sin
To see him again.